You may be wondering...

What exactly is the Vision Board Workshop in a Box program?

The Vision Board Workshop in a Box program is the ultimate course that gives you a guaranteed step-by-step, word-by-word foolproof way kick off or re-ignite your coaching business. It is a program that teaches you how to host your very own Vision Board workshop that features and experiential workshop for your attendees with part teaching, part learning and part creating.


When you learn my method for hosting your own workshop, you’ll see it is way more than just magazine cutouts being pasted on a board. The methods learned in this program promotes the powerful meaning of vision and realizing its power and benefits for your potential clients.

Who is the Vision Board Workshop in a Box program for?



The Vision Board Workshop in a Box program is for the coach who is not sure WHERE to begin to start their coaching business and for the coach who already HAS a business, and wants to offer something new and exciting in their tool kit to aid business growth.  If you are a coach that is feeling stuck in a rut of “how do I grow my business?”, this course is for you!  Many of my attendees have used the tools and resources in Vision Board Workshop in a Box to host other types of workshops that were not even centered around Vision Boarding.  These tools are super flexible!!

How does the Vision Board Workshop in a Box program work?



With the Vision Board Workshop in a Box program, there are 3 simple modules you will breeze right through.

Go through all the steps before creating and hosting your very own workshop. You will learn all the things you need to do, where to shop for supplies, the best marketing tips to sell out your workshop, finding an event location and more! We also go over the why behind why you are doing the workshop in the first place.  This will get you in touch with the part of you that will shine when it’s workshop time!

We will go over setting up your workshop, how to create an experience that will be extra special and memorable for your potential clients, what the agenda for the day will look like...AND you will actually go through a class yourself in this program so you get to see what your potential clients will be experiencing.

This module covers what steps you will take to keep the energy burning hot in your attendees so that they want to HIRE you to help coach them to make their vision a reality! This is the magic that will help you build a prosperous coaching practice. We will go over how to follow up with your attendees, how to create more future workshops and more!

What's included in the program?

All the templates! Everything you need from emails, worksheets, where to shop for supplies and more.

An understanding on the mindset needed to have a successful and lucrative VB workshop.

An entire flow of the workshop will be provided. (What the room setup should look like, how does each part go together, what do I even SAY?, etc.)

The course gave me the confidence and tools I needed to make my own dream come true! They took what was a daunting goal and broke it down so that it became very manageable. She basically hands you the tools on a silver platter. The course gives you everything you need - a complete agenda that includes a script, a comprehensive list of supplies that includes playlists, communication templates and a time line. This completely freed me to let go of the blocks that had been stopping me from leading my first workshop, in order to make my dream come true!

My Dare to Dream Vision Board Retreat was amazing and I am so excited to lead more and more! Thank you! 


“Bridgette is an impressive coach to work with, offering great insight and creative ideas on the development of my Vision Board Workshop.

This workshop exceeded my expectations! I loved the energy of both presenters/coaches. You could tell they both LOVE the topic of vision boards. Their enthusiasm made the workshop engaging. Time seemed to fly by! They literally thought of EVERYTHING and walked us through it from beginning to end. So very well thought out. I will definitely watch for other ideas from these two coaches! Thanks so much!” 


I just wanted to THANK you for your Vision Board Workshop in a Box training. Just know that are a dynamo!!! I felt so confident and empowered walking away from course...and I decided to set my date for the VB Workshop (October 14!!!). And when I pull this off, it's going to be one of my biggest accomplishments. Already got my trainer and his wife to commit to showing up.- I will definitely be sharing with others about this workshop!! Thanks again. 



Do you have to be a certified coach to purchase the program?

Absolutely not! This is open to all teachers, leaders, coaches and future certified coaches. Or really anyone that is interested in hosting a workshop.



Are you ready to launch your business and have the coaching business you desire? Well, let’s go! The Vision Board Workshop in a Box program is your key to success. It is a proven starting point. Hundreds of coaches and other attendees have gone through this course and have successfully launched their own coaching businesses because of it! Hey, it even kicked off MY coaching business.


I know that if you go through this program, you will see success on the other side. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up below and GO!
